e-Mountain Bike Tours Beechworth – Indigo Epic Trail

Contact Us

We're Here To Show You The Best Of The Indigo Epic Trail

We would love to guide you on an e-Mountain Bike along the Beechworth Epic Trail. Our guides are highly experienced and skilled riders who love to show people the Indigo Epic Trail

To book a weekend tour or e-MTB hire please visit our Booking page here

If you have a question, please call us on 03 7044 8985 or complete the form below and let us know how we can help.

Beechworth eMTB

Location: Beechworth, Victoria

Phone: 03 7044 8985

Opening Hours

Tours: Saturdays and Sundays – we have morning and afternoon Tours. Week day tours upon request. 

e-Mountain Bike Hire Only: 7 days

Beechworth e-Mountain Bike Tours. Ride the Indigo Epic with us!