e-Mountain Bike Tours Beechworth – Indigo Epic Trail

About Us

Welcome to Beechworth eMTB!

We specialise in e-mountain bike (eMTB) tours for beginners and advanced riders, in Beechworth, Victoria. 

We are a family owned business that has a serious passion for mountain biking and a huge love of sharing our passion with others. We have extensive knowledge of the local area, know the best trails and local sites to show you to ensure you see the best parts of the Indigo Epic Trail

Meet the Founders

Brenton Kaitler – Owner, Lead Guide

Brenton lives and breathes mountain biking and loves guiding others on the Epic Trail so they have the best fun possible.  Brenton is the lead guide for all our tours. He has in depth knowledge of the roads and trails as well all the secret spots to visit along the way.  

Sally Kaitler  – Owner, Reservations and Customer Service

Moving to Beechworth has reignited Sally’s love of mountain biking after having their two kids. Sally works behind the scenes with reservations and customer service. Off the bike she loves hanging out with family, hiking and gardening. 

Beechworth eMTB owners, Brenton & Sally
Beechworth eMTB owners, Brenton & Sally Photo Credit: Ride High Country